RiseVision’s calendar Events gadget updated to handle two weeks.

This article is obsolete. There’s a new article about the Rise Calendar Widget here.

RiseVision makes a sweet little open source Events gadget. It displays the contents of your favorite public Google Calendar in a scrolling or tabbed window on your digital sign presentation.

Here’s the documentation for that Events gadget. This won’t make a heck of a lot of sense unless you’re familiar with Rise.

I have made a minor tweak to it, to allow it to display events from fifteen days in the future, rather than its built-in limit of seven days. That makes it a bit more useful in places like churches: it helps weekly visitors if the signs show what’s coming up one and two weeks in the future.

The URL for my tweaked gadget is this: http://plumislandmedia.net/Rise/Gadget-Events/Events.xml

You can put that URL into a custom gadget in your RiseVision console. The only visible UI difference is a larger of Number of Days in the user interface.

How to do this?

Check out the source code for the RiseVision source code from Subversion. It’s at https://risegadgets.googlecode.com/svn/trunk . Navigate to the EventsV2 subdirectory.  In that directory you’ll find an XML file that controls the gadget, some other XML files, and a couple of Javascript files. The XML files contain hard-coded links to the Javascript files which you’ll need to change when you deploy this gadget.

Notice that RiseVision deploy their own web elements using AWS. You don’t have to do that; you can deploy them from your own web site. But AWS has nice redundancy.

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