Conversations to open up the future in God’s realm – A sermon for First Parish of Newbiry

Grace, mercy, and peace be to you in the name of God, our creator, redeemer, and sustaining spirit. Amen. For the people of First Parish in Newbury. Conversations. Let’s have a conversation about conversations. Texts: Isaiah 7:10-16 Matthew 1:18-25 When I imagine God’s realm of peace, mercy, and justice, I imagine it’s buzzing with conversations. … Read more

Wondering about keeping yourself secure online?

Internet security guy Troy Hunt has put out a good video to teach you about keeping yourself secure online. This is free. It’s on youTube. Troy is very reliable. This is worth an hour of your time.

November 20, 2016. Sheep, or goat?

This sermon was delivered to First Parish Church, Newbury, Massachusetts. This service was partially led by the young women and men of the First Parish Sunday School Texts:  MATTHEW 22:36-40, 25:31-26:2 Grace, mercy, and peace to you, from Jesus our sovereign Lord, in the name of the Holy Spirit in the glory of God the … Read more

October 30, 2016. Jesus Turns Evil to Good

This sermon was delivered to First Parish Church, Newbury Mass. Texts: Habbakuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4    Luke 19:1-10 p 78 (Zacchaeus) Grace to you and peace, from God our creator and our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Amen. In today’s Gospel, Jesus continues on his way to Jerusalem, to his confrontation with the temple authorities and the … Read more

October 23, 2016. The Tax Collector and the Pharisee in the shadow of the cross

This sermon was delivered to First Parish Church, Newbury. Texts: JOEL 2:23-32, LUKE 18:9-14 Sermon Grace to you, and peace, from the one who is, and who was, and who is to come. Amen. In these past weeks we’ve heard quite a few Gospel accounts of Jesus in our weekly readings in church. We’re hearing them the … Read more

October 9, 2016. Jesus Shakes Up our Communities of Suffering

The sermon was delivered for the people of Central Congregational Church in Newburyport, Massachusetts. Texts: Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7,  Luke 17:11-19 Grace to you, and peace, from God our creator and Jesus our redeemer. Amen. What’s in a number? Here in this former British colony when you hear “13” what does it mean? How about 50? … Read more

September 25, 2016: Everlasting Life: Be Careful What You Wish For

This sermon was delivered for the people of First Parish Church in Newbury, Massachusetts Texts: Jeremiah 32:1-3a, 6-15 , LUKE 16:19-31 Grace to you, and peace, from the One who is, and who was, and who is to come. Amen. That’s an apostolic greeting. It comes from the first chapter of the Revelation of John, the last … Read more

September 18, 2016. What do you get away with in God’s realm?

Texts: JEREMIAH 8:18-9:1, LUKE 16:1-13 Grace to you, and peace, from the one who is, and who was, and who is to come. Amen? Amen. Today we overhear some conversations in the scriptures. They’re conversations about real trouble. The prophet Jeremiah was working in Jerusalem at the time when the Babylonians were preparing to enslave his people … Read more