Texture photos
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Social Networks for the life of the world
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Do you have a 2005-onward vintage computer from which you need to squeeze a few more years of life? Here’s what you do. Use crucial.com‘s memory upgrade adviser to figure out what RAM you can buy for it, and order that memory. (If you use their adviser software and the memory you order doesn’t work, you … Read more
Instagram is the new Kodak! So say respected public thinkers and pundits. A fifteen-person company has rubbed out a 147,000-person company. It’s the end of honest work and middle-class life. We’ll be all sitting in coffee shops delightedly sending selfies to each other. Now Facebook is sinking tens of gigadollars into a 70-person company called … Read more
Here are a couple of emailer services. https://madmimi.com/ This one needs investigating. http://mandrill.com/ This provides an API, and a WordPress plugin called wpmandrill. It’s a freemium service allowing up to 12K messages per month unpaid. It integrates nicely with WordPress, and provides pretty good SPF and DKIM email-authentication support.
Pete Warden makes a good case for using alternatives to Google’s geographical APIs in your projects, and gives a list of publicly available services. http://petewarden.com/2013/09/09/why-you-should-stop-pirating-googles-geo-apis/
Is there an existing web site that’s being upgraded or replaced? If so, what is it? Do you already own a domain name (for example james-landscape.com or some such)? Or does the project include obtaining one? Does your business already have a Facebook page, or will we want to set up one of those too? … Read more
In the IT business, as in any business, we all have the task of making our point of view understood. Our executives need to convince our investors that the company is worthy of their support. Our sales need to convince hospital executives and case managers of the same thing. The interesting thing to keep in … Read more