Movement Voter Project: make a difference in the elections and beyond!

In this critical moment in our history, we are all struggling with what we can do to make the biggest difference. I’m writing to share with you a unique and powerful response to our political crisis that I learned about in a recent presentation: the Movement Voter Project. The Movement Voter Project (MVP) is a great way for those of us who live inside the “blue bubble” to take back our country in 2020 (and beyond).

MVP is organized along the same lines as the 2006 Massachusetts Health Care for All campaign. (Don’t you dare call it Romneycare to anybody who worked on the campaign! We forced his hand to sign the bill.)  The Greater Boston Interfaith Organization, an IAF affiliate, helped organize that campaign. I had the privilege of working with them. MVP isn’t an IAF affiliate but they use similar organizing principles.

MVP raises funds for the best local, community-based groups organizing voters in the crucial swing states that will determine the outcome of the 2020 election. These groups:

  • Mobilize the hard-to-reach, low-turnout voters – especially voters of color and youth – whose participation in 2020 will spell the difference between victory and defeat.
  • Are able to reach voters that traditional Democratic campaigns cannot. They are rooted in communities and organize year-round around the issues their neighbors care about.
  • Don’t just win individual elections, but educate voters and empower communities in order to change the country over the long term.

Check out this short video to learn a bit more. And read this recent New York Times Op-Ed that features two MVP-endorsed groups. Here’s a New Yorker profile of BLOC — Black Leaders Organizing for Communities. BLOC is an MVP-endorsed group in Milwaukee, in battleground state Wisconsin. The profile explains how they work and why they’re effective.

And, here is a two-pager with a bit more detail about the Movement Voter Project’s strategy.

To join these efforts you can Give now, Spread the word, or Co-host a house party:

Give NOW. These groups desperately need funding now (early in 2020) because it takes time to hire organizers, develop volunteer leaders, persuade people to register to vote, and build the grassroots capacity necessary to have a major impact next fall. 100% of your gift (less credit card fees) goes directly to grassroots groups like BLOC. These gifts are not tax-deductible, as they are 501(c)(4) funding that can be used to take explicitly political stances and even support candidates. If you’re looking to make a tax deductible donation, email

Why NOW? During big elections a lot of funding shows up in the final few weeks of the campaign. That’s far too late for the MVP’s grassroots groups to mobilize sustainably and effectively.

A) Donate gifts online to MVP’s Big 5 Battleground Fund, which supports groups in the states most likely to determine the outcome of the 2020 presidential election – MI, WI, PA, FL and AZ.

B) Avoid credit card fees (particularly for larger gifts of $1,000 or more), by sending a check:
Payable to: Movement Voter Project
Memo Line: Big Five Fund
Notify Tony & Tom at: (they’ll track and follow up with MVP)
Mail checks to:
ATTN: Robbie
Movement Voter Project
PO Box 749
Northampton,MA 01061

C) Receive no-fee philanthropic advising (e.g. to target a major gift) for you, a family foundation, or donor-advised fund. Contact to learn more.

Spread the word. Forward this message to everyone you know who cares about changing the direction of this country! Also, Follow and Share this Facebook post about MVP’s Funds!

Co-host a house party. If you’d like to host a gathering in your home – where someone from MVP will give a presentation – or would like to help fill out a party by inviting people to someone else’s event, please contact

If you want to know more about MVP or how else you can help, or want to attend an MVP house party, just let me know, or email the Eastern MA MVP team directly at

Personally, I’ve decided to concentrate my campaign support with MVP, rather than sending a few bucks to a lot of different candidates. MVP knows far more than I do about how my money can make the most difference.

Thank you!
Ollie Jones

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