What is a date? This seems like a silly question. Indeed, if you are an independent local business person, it is a silly question. A date is, for example, the seventh of September, 2011 (“2011-09-07”). It describes a period of 24 hours that starts at midnight and ends just before midnight. If you only care about dates in, let’s say, Arizona, you’re in good shape.
But Arizona does not switch between daylight savings time and standard time. So, each day is 24 hours long. In much of the rest of the world there’s a day in the spring — the “spring forward” day — that’s 23 hours long. The hour from 2am to 3am is simply missing. There’s another day in the fall that’s 25 hours long. On that day the hour from 2am to 3am repeats itself.
Even if you’re located in Arizona, you probably correspond with people in other time zones. This makes it even harder to pin down what a day is. So, we need to make it clear when designing databases and the associated software.
When we design, for example, a date_of_sale field for a data base, we need to qualify that by acknowledging that is is in local time at the place the sale was made. Whether or not we explicitly acknowledge that, it’s still true. So, when we make a sale on 2011-09-07, we can put that particular into a MySQL column with the datatype of DATE. Then it is available for all kinds of querying and arithmetic. For example.
The number of days since the sale:
SELECT DATEDIFF(CURDATE(),date_of_sale) AS number_of_days
Sales made on a particular day:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE date_of_sale = CAST('2011-09-07' AS DATE)
Sales made within seven days of a particular day:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE date_of_sale >= CAST('2011-09-07' AS DATE) AND date_of_sale < CAST('2011-09-07' AS DATE) + INTERVAL 8 DAY
Notice the way the range of dates is selected in the last example. We might be tempted to use the SQL BETWEEN operator to choose a range of dates. While this sometimes works, it is a bad habit to get into: it simply doesn’t work when we work with DATETIME information. A particular day starts at midnight, and ends just before midnight on the next day. The form of query in the example recognizes that truth.
Similarly, if we are asking for sales made on a particular day, it would be better practice to use this query:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE date_of_sale >= CAST('2011-09-07' AS DATE) AND date_of_sale < CAST('2011-09-07' AS DATE) + INTERVAL 1 DAY
This query will be sure to pull in the whole day.
If we want to display the date of sale in a human-friendly way, we can use, for example,
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(date_of_sale, '%W, %M %e, %Y') AS visible_date FROM table
This will display the date as “Wednesday, September 7, 2011”). There are many ways of formatting dates and times, shown here. They adhere to the locale — the local language — in use. For example, if you issue this command to set the language to Spanish and the locale to Mexico:
SET lc_time_names = 'es_MX'
and then issue the above SQL statement again, you will get “miércoles, septiembre 7, 2011” which is the correct display for Mexican Spanish.
On the other hand, if you issue this command with a text string containing an incorrectly formatted date, you’ll get a NULL result.
SELECT DATE_FORMAT('07/09/2011', '%W, %M %e, %Y') AS visible_date
The important thing is to make sure your date information is stored in your database in a DATE item. If it is you have access to all kinds of computations. If your dates are stored as text strings you don’t.