Electronic type, past and future

Hail and farewell for now, Mike Parker 1929-2014! (obituary)  I met you in the 1980s. You visited Chicago Aerial Survey when you were working on better typography for maps. Thanks for your good work on behalf of readable electronic documents!

Welcome to Savir Mirchanandi and his mentor Peter Pinko. Pittsburgh middle-schooler Mirchanandi figured out why the Garamond typeface looks slightly better than Times New Roman on inkjet printouts, and he figured out how to save really big bucks in the process. The purveyors of inkjet cartridges aren’t going to like this, but I do.

I’ve been using Garamond for body copy in printed documents for years. I started using it because it displays good-looking small caps, and I kept using it because it’s easy to read. Now Mr. Marchanandi has figured out why it works well in inkjet output.

Summary: Garamond uses a lot less ink than Times New Roman.

Thanks Savir! Here’s his project.

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