Capturing and examining queries

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series WordPress MySQL performance monitor

It’s straightforward to get WordPress to capture the MySQL queries it uses to generate each page view. We can then analyze the captured queries. Capturing WordPress offers a way to capture a list of the database queries it uses in each page view. It’s simple: define the global SAVEQUERIES symbol. You can define it permanently … Read more

Analyzing WordPress database operations

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series WordPress MySQL performance monitor

People are using the Index WP MySQL For Speed WordPress plugin! That’s great. But it shoots into the dark: nobody can tell how much improvement they’ve seen except subjectively. That’s not good. It’s hard to improve something unless we can actually measure it. Two things can make a troublesome query. If it runs just once … Read more

Porting from CEFSharp to WebView2

I have a Windows Presentation Foundation app using CEFSharp as a browser control. I’m porting it to use the new WebView2 control from Microsoft. That’s a workable idea now because it embeds a new Edge object in the WPF app. So, there’s no need to download the whole Chromium Embedded Framework mischegoss which saves download … Read more

WordPress multisite programming tricks

This pulls together some notes on handling plugin programming for WordPress multisite (network) installations. Basic information Lots of this information comes from the globally instantiated $wpdb object. Tables To get a list of WordPress tables you can use the wpdb::tables() method. Here’s a quick way to get a useful list of tables. This list include … Read more

Snippet to add Edit link to category archive page

WooCommerce and its Storefront theme display so-called category archive pages to list products in the category. If the category includes a description, it shows at the top of the page along with the category’s name. This php snippet adds an Edit link to those pages allowing a privileged user logged in to the Dashboard to … Read more

Scaled-up web software is hard!

The New York Times ran an article last Friday about the struggles people have had using all those vaccination-appointment web sites. The biggest complaint? The sites “crash” because they have too much traffic. I’ve worked at a company that runs scaled-up web technology. We have a customer with a vast seasonal rush, with millions of … Read more

Firefox has limited ability to handle H.264

The Firefox browser’s WebRTC and MediaRecorder functionality can handle H.264 (Advanced Video Codec) coding and decoding, but only with H.264’s constrained baseline profile. Other, higher, profiles just don’t work. And in Firefox’s WebRTC implementation (v87) attempts to use higher profiles fail more-or-less silently. Firefox works around all the patent issues with H.264 by using an … Read more