Database Keys in Scalability Pro

Scalability Pro is a paid plugin for improving backend WordPress and WooCommerce performance. It does multiple things including query rewriting and memoization caching of some time-consuming database queries. One thing it does is add keys (indexes) to some WordPress tables.

This article is a table-by-table analysis of some keys it adds, compared with the keys added and changed by our free and open-source Index WP MySQL for Speed plugin.



KEY wpi_performance_boost2 (post_status, ID)

This key places an index on the post_status column, which neither our keys or standard keys has. Like many Scalability Pro keys, it contains the table’s primary key as the last column. In InnoDB that is redundant.

KEY wpi_performance_boost8 (post_type, post_status, menu_order, post_title(15), ID)

This key looks like it’s designed to optimize a builder.

KEY wpi_perfboost_woopaypal (post_type, post_mime_type)

There must be a query somewhere that searches for MIME types. Standard WordPress assigns MIME type like ‘image/png’ to the post type ‘attachment’.

KEY wpi_scalability_pro_sitemaps (post_status,post_password(20),post_type,post_modified),
KEY wpi_guid (guid),
KEY wpi_post_title (post_title(50)),
KEY wpi_post_modified_gmt (post_modified_gmt)

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